Saturday, April 12, 2008

(written by friends of Adnan)

Dato' Sri Adnan Yaakob is indeed a colourful man. Much has been said about him from shocking attributes to entertaining confrontations. Such is the man with his own unique blend and brand of eloquence, wit, cynicism and experience.

But as incorrigible as he may be, there is a side to him only few have had the privilege of knowing. Suffice to say that those attributes differ from his public persona. That shall remain so.

That audacious man is our friend.


Small Talk said...

That's why you shouldn't judge the book by its cover. There must be something in him that Allah has bestowed upon him to help BN to defend its fort in Pahang, apart from the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister. He is well received by the voters as his policies on education and welfare transcend racial barrier.

izzi said...

dad now a blogger too?

Ti Lian Ker said...

i was left in the darkness..
surrounded by despicable rats..
you bring along brightness..
protect me like a fearless cat..

you have been a good leader..
honest to d state and her people..
at times u may not seem refine..
but yr intentions r always DIVINE!

Anonymous said...

pilihanraya yg lepas telah menunjukkan Rakyat Msia telah bergerak membatasi perkauman,keagamaan,kebudayaan dsbgnya. Bilakah UMNO akan berhenti bersandiwara, MCA berhenti dengan OPERAnya dan MIC menutup LEGENDAnya?
rakyat sudah semakin matang dan berani membuat perubahan. sekiranya BN gagal membuat perubahan, inilah permulaan keAkhiran BN.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..
Bilakah UMNO akan berhenti bersandiwara, MCA berhenti dengan OPERAnya dan MIC menutup LEGENDAnya

Alam ini sememangnya 'pentas sandiwara', selagi saudara tidak dapat menerimanya dan memahaminya, maknanya saudara belum jumpa apa itu 'realiti'.

Anonymous said...

the negative factors for the government department is.. u cant really find a proper department to complain or send or inquiry when things happen?

for eg: when u wanna start a business u will go to MPK... but MPK will tell u, u need tons of stuff to support u, and u got to the next department.. they will definately tell u .. it's not their duty. pls refer to MPK.

government seem to be so aggresive on the greenland project in PH. but do u think a normal citizen has the knowledge to do whatever u mean "green"? public is concern bout the $$$. no doubt with it.. only rich person, politician have all the lands. But bear in mind, they wont even think of ur project. coz it's bullshit, rich person is only concern bout profit in return.

i search through all over the blog and web. u can even find a place whereby how to rent a peice of land from the pahang government. so if not able to rent land? then who gonna start whatever u name green bla bla bla????

in the conclution, Pahang is one of the largest state in malaysia and i have really no idea how come the state government said Pahang is lack of $$$$. coz of the corruptions or the state organizer didnt really do their job.

china and india r 1 of the largest B100 or B20 biodeisel oil market and pahang is one of the famous crude palm oil producer. how come there r no any project regarding on the B100? that's the "green" i meant.

Rakyat Asli di Bumi Pahang said...

susuboyz cakap....

Salam sejahtera, YB Dato Adnan.

Saya berkata sebagai wakil kepada suara2 rakyat asli yang tinggal dan terlibat dengan projek 'Empangan Susu'yang mana suara kami tenggelam dan tidak sampai ke pengetahuan Dato. Saya ingin menyampaikan permasalahan rakyat (Orang Asli) di kawasan projek TNB oleh pihak kontraktor agar mendapat perhatian dan tindakan segera dari pihak Dato/Kerajaan.

Perkara yang hendak disampaikan ini telahpun dipanjangkan kepada ADUN Ringlet dan Ahli Parlimen Cameron Highlands tapi sepi tanpa berita walaupun telah berkali disuarakan.

1. Keselamatan penduduk kampung yang menggunakan jalan kampung untuk keluar masuk dari kampung ke bandar ringlet yang mana dipenuhi oleh mesin2 dan lori2 besar yang laju.
2. Pencemaran Udara: Aktiviti Pihak kontraktor menyebabkan rumah kami diselubungi habuk dan debu. Makanan di dapur kami dicemari habuk dan debu.
3. Pencemaran Sungai: Terdapat sungai yang dahulunya jernih kini keruh.Punca air kami juga kerap keruh menyebabkan kami susah untuk memasak.
4. Pencemaran Bunyi: Jarak laluan lori2 dan mesin2 yang kurang dari 20kaki ke rumah membuatkan kami tidak dapat berehat ketika petang. Anak2 kecil kami tidak dapat tidur di petang hari kerana kebisingan yang melampau.
5. Tanaman Musnah: Kami hanya bergantung hidup pada hasil tanaman dan buah2an. Sebahagian dari penduduk asli pokok2 tanaman mereka telah musnah oleh aktiviti kontraktor yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Kami telah membuat tuntutan pampasan kepada kontraktor dan TNB dari bulan September 2011, hingga kini tiada bayaran pampasan dibuat kepada kami. YB Dato fikirkan sejenak, hasil tanaman kami sebagai sumber rezeki kami kini dah musnah... apa yang kami ada untuk hidup seperti rakyat lain.Kami berharap dengan perhatian dan kerjasama YB Dato, kontraktor dan TNB akan membuat bayaran pampasan seberapa segera. Sesungguhnya slogan "Rakyat Didahulukan, Matlamat Diutamakan" , maka itu Kerajaan wajib mendahulukan keperluan rakyat. Tiada gunanya jika matlamat diutamakan tapi rakyat merana dan terseksa. Kami berharap mendapat bayaran pampasan sebelum bulan May 2012 atau PRU13 iaitu dalam bulan April 2012.

Kami berharap YB Dato dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan kami ini seberapa segera.

Terima kasih.

Rakyat Asli di Bumi Pahang...

hwlooi said...

Dear Dato' Sri,

Your honesty, integrity and moral incorruptibility are your greatest assets and as such you should just ignore all those ridiculous and unjustified insults and insinuations hurled at you.

Continue with your good work and always remember that you cannot please all the people all the time but so long as you do your best, that's more than good enough.

Even Mother Theresa and Ghandi has been criticised by people with evil ulterior motives. And even the devil do have a fantastic number of followers and admirers.

Unfortunately recently the silent majority in Kuantan has been silenced by certain unscrupulous people but what's important is that they know that you have been doing a fine job.

Dato' Dr Looi Hoong Wah
FAMM, MB.,ChB(Manchester), MRCS(England), MRCP(UK), MRCP(London)